Friday, May 16, 2014

Dolly Parton - 'Jolene' (1973)



Side One:
1. Jolene
2. When Someone Wants To Leave
3. River Of Happiness
4. Early Morning Breeze
5. Highlight Of My Life

Side Two:
1. I Will Always Love You
2. Randy
3. Living On Memories Of You
4. Lonely Comin' Down
5. It Must Be You

Best Tracks:
I Will Always Love You
Early Morning Breeze

Currently listening to: LP

Dolly Parton, despite becoming the footnote to every joke in the world about big tits, is one hell of a prolific, and gifted, songwriter. The sheer amount of records she put out in the 70's is staggering. And, that's without counting the endless number of compilation albums put out. For a woman who's been happily married since before her recording career took off, she sure nails heartbreak. That comes with the territory, I suppose. I lose interest in country music once it gets happy.

Jolene has never been my favourite Dolly album. The title track is, deservedly, her signature tune. And, one of my favourites. But, the albums after Jolene are where my interest in Dolly's extensive back catalogue begin to wane, aside from the odd song here and there.

So, Side One. 'Jolene' is the epitome of what makes Dolly Parton great. I don't (or shouldn't) need to tell you much about it. It's just one of those perfect songs. 'When Someone Wants To Leave', a happier sounding sad love song, and 'Early Morning Breeze', which also appeared in a better mix on Coat Of Many Colors, are also really good songs. 'River Of Happiness' and, especially 'Highlight Of My Life' get a bit too happy, musically, for my tastes (and remember, this is Dolly Parton. She isn't happy in halves. God love her).

Side Two opens with Dolly's other signature song, 'I Will Always Love You'. Don't be put off. Whitney Houston may have forever ruined this song for anyone with a shred of taste, but Dolly's version is really nice. It's actually a really lovely song. Where Whitney's version was all bravado, Dolly's is soft and delicate. And, far more convincing. 'Lonely Coming Down', like 'Early Morning Breeze', was re-recorded for this album (I can't remember what album the version I like is from, I have it on a cheap compilation). It's a Porter Wagoner song, and I really like it - just not this version.

I can't help but think that this album was quickly put together to cash in on the singles. The two sides hang off the singles that open each. Which is a shame, because Dolly Parton made some stellar records before this. Really, Jolene isn't a bad record. It's still an enjoyable listen and, at only about 24 minutes long, it doesn't stick around long enough to drag. But for me, the material isn't as strong as some of her earlier records - Just Because I'm A Woman, My Blue Ridge Mountain Boy, or Coat Of Many Colors (and that feels sacrilegious to say, since this album gave us 'Jolene' and 'I Will Always Love You'). Considering Jolene was her thirteenth album in six years, I'm hardly going to hold it against her.

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